My boy

I can't get over it. I find so much joy and delight in that boy. Tonight we got him to bed so late. He just laid down and it is 10:25pm. I'm cool with that because he'll sleep in and it'll be good. Most kids though would be way past melt down mode. Not my Calvin. We did our night time routine. Daddy always prays over him. He nuzzles his little face into his Daddy's chest and holds his monkey. He squirms a little and I wrap my arms around my boys as my love prays over our child. Beautiful. Then, Jason lays him in my arms and places his arms underneath of mine. We face eachother with our son laying in our arms and sing a worship song. Most of the time it is 'Jesus Loves Me', but tonight we sang 'I Love You Lord'. He was especially sweet tonight. He looked to his Daddy to join in with me as we sang those words.

I love you Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship You
O my soul
Take joy my King
In what You hear
May it be a sweet, sweet sound
In Your ear

As Jason joined in with a quiet sweet voice, Calvin did too. It was incredible. He just used his sweet little singing voice and sang whatever came to his heart, nevermind that it was Greek to us. It was one of the most beautiful sounds to my momma heart. A giggle worked it's way into my belly and then up to my throat, but with all of my heart I never want him to feel ashamed of singing his heart out to Jesus. So I left that giggle right in my throat and gave him the sweetest most approving smile I could muster up. I told him I was proud of him and kissed his sweet little forehead as we laid him down to bed. As soon as his head hit his beloved little doggie pillow pet and we wrapped him up with blankets, the 'snoring' began. Hilarious!!! My not even two year old boy is pretending to sleep and is as serious as can be. "Shew, Sssshhhhheeeeeewwwww, Shew." What am I going to do with that sweet, silly, genuine little dude. He cracks me up and makes me so proud. I just love that kid!


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